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Date: 25 August 1967
Aircraft type: RA-3B Skywarrior
Serial Number: 144835
Military Unit: VAP-61
Service: USN
Home Base: Da Nang
Cdr Edward James Jacobs (KIA)
Lt(jg) James John Zavocky (KIA)
ADJ2 Claire Ronald Alan Bois (KIA)

A Skywarrior from VAP-61 based at Agana on the island of Guam, but detached to Da Nang on temporary duty, went missing on a night road reconnaissance over North Vietnam. The aircraft (call sign Quiz Show 9) was equipped with infra-red sensors to assist in finding targets in the dark. Nothing was heard from the aircraft and a search failed to reveal any sign of wreckage on land or in the sea. This Skywarrior had been damaged by anti-aircraft fire during a mission on the night of 15 August and lost 3,000lb of fuel from a punctured wing fuel tank but was able to land safely. The crew were actually from VAP-62 supplementing the VAP-61 crews at Da Nang.

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