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Date: 18 January 1969
Aircraft type: A-1H Skyraider
Serial Number: 52-134588
Military Unit: 602 SOS, 56 SOW
Service: USAF
Home Base: Nakhon Phanom
Capt Robert Franklin Coady (KIA)

As the SAR effort to rescue Lt Col Morris and the Phantom crew continued, the 602nd lost another aircraft and its pilot. On the morning of the 18th four Skyraiders arrived on the scene a few miles south of Ban Kate. The flight attacked enemy troops in the area in the face of intense 37mm anti-aircraft fire. Capt Coady was seen in a shallow dive over the target when his aircraft (call sign Sandy) was hit by AAA and crashed into a wooded hillside. He was not seen to eject from the aircraft. Robert Coady was declared dead in 1978. In July 1992 the crash site of this aircraft was investigated by a Joint US/Laotian team that found a number of personal items in the wreckage but no remains.

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