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Date: 16 January 1966
Aircraft type: F-105D Thunderchief
Serial Number: 59-1719
Military Unit: 354 TFS, 355 TFW
Service: USAF
Home Base: Takhli
Capt Don Charles Wood (POW (died))

Five Thunderchiefs flew a combat mission over the communist-held Plain of Jars in northern Laos. Capt Wood had commenced his third strafing run against an anti-aircraft gun position near Ban Xal when a 37mm shell hit his aircraft (call sign Olds 5). The F-105 crashed soon after being hit and it was not known if Capt Wood had ejected despite an extensive aerial search of the area. However, it was later reported that he had been identified in a Pathet Lao film showing several Americans POWs and may have been held in the caves near Sam Neua with Shelton and Hrdlicka. In addition, his ID card was later found in a Hanoi museum. Whatever his fate, Don Wood has not yet returned from Southeast Asia.

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