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Date: 10 October 1966
Aircraft type: A-4E Skyhawk
Serial Number: 151150
Military Unit: VA-23
Service: USN
Home Base: USS Coral Sea
Lt(jg) Michael Steele Confer (KIA)

A section of Skyhawks was despatched from the Coral Sea to make a night attack on a staging area at Kien An on the coast about 35 miles southeast of Haiphong. After several flares were dropped Lt Confer’s aircraft (call sign Lawcase 340) was seen to start a 45-degree dive on the target and fire its 2.75 inch rockets at about 2,500-3,000 feet. The section leader saw the rockets impact followed by a large flash just offshore. No radio call or beeper was heard and it was assumed that the either the aircraft was hit by flak or it flew into the sea by accident.

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